Complete Control

Client: Penguin BooksProduct: WebsiteLaunched: September 2016

Project highlights

• A fan club destination that has 1 million sign ups
• Multiplayer online game
• Live players leaderboard
• Customise background theme

Wimpy Kid Club

Working closely with Penguin for over 5 years we have seen the Wimpy Kid Club popularity grow and grow. We created a brand new responsive site, whilst keeping a lot of the existing content to ensure the Wimpy Kid Club keeps it’s engaged audience happy.

Customise your own Wimpy Kid Club website background theme and play games, including the multi-player game Wimp Wars (which even went on to become a live stage game event hosted by the author Jeff Kinney), to earn Mom Bucks and compete for the number one spot on the leader board. This fan destination website now boasts over 1 million sign-ups.

Work with Us

  • Does Matt have flowers on his shirt?

Get in touch


Complete Control (UK) Limited
Studio Vault
7 George Street
Bathwick, Bath


07968 703886


[email protected]


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